"There are infinite beautiful stars, but each twinkles in its own way ..."

Sunday, 30 August 2015

who I want to be

Heyo Guys!

                   sorry Ive been away for so long. Ive been busy with a lot if things, as well as like 5 booklets of homework to do, being on holiday, a funeral (yay:/) and an existential crisis. So, how was your summer?! :D

Anyway, to come back I wanted to do what my aesthetic was best at doing- being deep. Woah, not like that! Basically, I'd lost motivation to do a blog post in a while but after watching dodie clark and lucy moon do a cover of faces going places, the words hit me. I'm young enough not to go my own path. But it got me thinking how much I loved train stations.

You see, I love a sense of adventure. Not indiana jones style but more lets go into town at 10 at night with a camera and curiosity. My parents are pretty strict so doing that is pretty much off the list. But, I plan to.

I want to heavy layered hair which is the colour of chocolate. I want to wear my maroon beanie and some berry wine lip stain. I want to wear my black skinny jeans, leather jacket, a tight chocker and my worn out boots. I want my eye shadow to be a dark cool brown or grey and to have thick eyeliner. And granted I have most of these things but I don't want to be anyone. I want to be the girl at the train station with bokeh in her hair. Has a nice ring don't you think? I don't want people to know my story. But I'm fascinated by other people's. I'd have a camera wrapped round my neck and a notepad my side. And I'd sit there until theres no people to photograph or write a story based on them.

I'm thinking about making a tumblr account on it. Maybe, i don't know. My lifes boring, but maybe a person I photograph with blurred lights behind them dies tomorrow. And all of you people remember them. You don't even know their name, just a story and an assumption on them. It's poetic I think. Normally you're just a person in a coffee shop reading a book that belonged to your mother? Maybe. But no one takes notice. But maybe someone does. And that fascinates me.

So, what do you think? Yay or nay idea?

As always, take care.

Little Old Me, logging off my Little Old World. Xxx

Monday, 3 August 2015

Birthday Haul

Heyo Guys!
                 So as some of you may know it was my birthday on the 30th of July. (I didn't post for a while because it was a big weekend) and I said I'd do a haul of all the stuff I got. So here it is!

1) Shoes, these aren't you're casual heels or whatever but they're joker converse! My little sister chose them. 

2) A ukelele! I got this early and had been wanting it for a while so my parents bought me it. It's a proper one, cost about £55, but that's how you get a good quality. 

3) Another present I got from my parents was a camera! As you know, I love photography, so I guess out with the crappy iphone camera. It's a sony cybershot. 

4) Linking with photos. My mums friend got me some photography stuff. The was a basic all you need to know book and a photo album which I'll be sure to fill up. 
5) Life with a sprinkle of glitter. Chummy got me this as it's Louise Pentlands (Sprinkleofgiltter) book. 

6) staying with the YouTube theme. One of my really good friends (Let's call her 'Random') got me a YouTube annual. 

7) More books! This I got from my uncle (mums older brother) and his fiancé. They're; 'The Aisle of the Lost' and 'City of Bones' from the Decendants novels and the mortal instruments. 

8) this ones probably my favourite. (I have a problem) and it's my Dan and Phil shop t-shirt. This is from also my uncle (my mums younger brother) and my Aunty. 

9) this is something I bought with my birthday money. It's a graphics tablet. The model is a UGEE. It was quote cheap from amozon and if you want to get into digital art I highly recommend. 

10) Fandom (being the amazing best friend she is) got me a photo frame with my favourite picture of us. Which is the time we went to see big hero six which the dress theme being Phil Lester since it was his birthday the same day. We wore cat whiskers and was probably one of my favourite days ever. 

So that's about it! I feel spoilt rotten but I've enjoyed this birthday so much for a change. I would like to thank anyone who requested this post too :p

Take care. 

Little Old Me, logging off my Little Old World. Xxx