"There are infinite beautiful stars, but each twinkles in its own way ..."

Monday, 29 June 2015

Dealing With Depression

Heyo Guys!
                   This post is about the big D, the D which people are scared to talk about the big- wait. Get your minds out of the gutters! Not that!

Right so in all seriousness I'm talking about depression. I'd also like to thank Pointless Girl for suggesting this blog post (also her blog is amazing, please check it out :p) , although I've not been to the doctors yet (I will still blog about what happens) I want to give a few tips for dealing with it and having an understanding of it.

For starters, if you can't put depression into words this how I like to put it;
Depression is like drowning. But instead of reaching the bottom you just keep sinking. And instead of a weight on your feet you have this monster. It's made of smoke and clings onto your neck choking you even though your drowning at the same time, dragging you down to the abyss. And the light from the surface gets smaller, and smaller. And probably the worst thing is that everyone watching you sink saying "just swim" because they think you can breath.

And even then that probably doesn't sum up how horrible depression actually is.

Now, this post isn't going to be "oh it's fine you'll get better! :D I believe in you!" because although it's nice to say that you still have to get through it until it starts getting better. Depression is something that you can sleep off, it's not having an off day where you don't want to talk to someone. It's much worst than that.

If you think you have depression try and identify it:
NHS article
NHS depression test

If you are already suffering from depression or you believe you have it tell someone. And I know you hear this everyday and it's such a clique to say. But if you haven't already, try. Work your way down the list:
-Close family members
-Close friends
-A doctor
I don't mean tell everyone you know but if you really, really, feel like you can't tell your parents for whatever reason you may have move down the list. Can't tell close family? Tell a close friend. You see what I mean?

I also understand some of you may not have the confidence or cannot put your emotions into words. So if this is the case write it down. I suggested this to someone it the past and honestly  I think its the best thing. Take some time to write your feelings on a piece of paper, think about what you exactly want to get across and write it all down. Say to your parents/doctor etc whats on it is something important and if you don't want for them to read it in front if you can leave the room for a bit. Think about it, all you have to do is past them a piece of paper. It'll take courage but once you do it and the panic of reading it is over you'll have a massive weight lifted from your shoulders.

While we're on the topic of doctors, some are shit. I know this from the first and last time I went for anxiety. But don't give up hope, you're not alone. Someone will be there to help you, you just have to keep looking.

Here's some links if you want to take some time to check them out and see if they help:

The Fleeting Little Life of Peter Wright
This is a short film about suicide, and trust me it seems harsh at first but seriously watch all of it and it makes you think and helped me out a lot.

Feel Good 101: Depression
A series done by emma blackery. The videos helped me a lot, especially this one. Highly recommend.

You Are Not Alone
A master tumblr post full of links.

What's Up?
This is an extremely good app for dealing with depression, anxiety, stress or anger. You can use it anywhere and is amazing. (If you have an android just type it in google play.).

Mental Health Masterpost
Another Tumblr mast post full of things to distract you, calm you and help you.

The Truth about Depression BBC
I've never seen this but I'm about to watch it. This will give you a better understanding of depression.

The Comfort Spot
I've mentioned this before but I'd like to bring it up again. This website allows you create an account and to wind down, make you feel better and forget all your problems.

Some personal experience: I like you put my headphones on and listen to your favourite songs and eat chocolate. Now, I'm not saying stress eat but chocolate contains Tryptophan which is also found in antidepressants, making you feel happier. Watch a film, just forget about the world for a moment. If you want a film suggestion- any studio ghibli films. Epically Totoro, one of my favourite films. 
You can watch them here-
Kiss Anime

Also, don't push people away, I know when you feel like crap you want to be alone but a hug or a visit from a friend can make you feel so much.

I know this isn't my usual blog style but I feel like this is important to address. Please know that I'm always here for you guys if you want my advice. I love all of you <3

Take care and please stay strong.

Little Old Me, logging off my Little Old World. Xxx


  1. Such a true post and thank you!!!!! Trust when I told my mum about how I thought I had depression and took to the test and having that positive too it was to hard to speak it out loud. Trust me writing it down is so easy to do. Love the post xx

    1. Thank you! I hope it helped you and others out, also, thanks for asking to do the post! xx
