"There are infinite beautiful stars, but each twinkles in its own way ..."

Sunday, 12 April 2015


Heyo Guys!
                   Today's post is going to be a rant so brace yourself for bad language and lots of anger!

So, this all started yesterday. Me and Fandom are elite feminists. I believe in equality for men and women and I take that subject very very seriously. Anyway, some people I believed as 'friends' have turned around and took the piss out of it even though they believe in equality. Just because we are open feminists, that is something they want to bitch about us for. They find it right to make jokes about meninism and anti-feminism. And it's bullshit. You wouldn't make a homophobic or racist joke in front of a black/gay individual- so why make anti-feminist jokes in front of a feminist.

Fandom has fallen out with quite a lot of people just because she supports feminism and others were telling her we don't need gender equality or that feminism is just a bunch of bullshit. So these twisted fucks decided not only bitch about our views but also bitch about fandom.

I am a feminist. I am a girl. I am human. But not to them, I'm just some bitch who can't take a joke about something I feel very strongly towards.

Fandom has been called; a bitch, a cunt, a dick head, immature, pathetic and many other things by people she believed to be her friends because she wants gender equality.

It's fucking disgusting how we are fighting for something that would make the world better and something that is benefiting them and we're getting shit.

The worst thing about this is I have school tomorrow and I'm going to have to put up with this bunch of cunts.

I am sick of being labeled, abused, tormented, taken advantage of, etc because of my fucking sex. I am sick of seeing lads pushed into someone they're not and have a check list of standards they must be to be excepted because of what's in-between their legs. I fucking sick of it. I want everyone to be treated as a human not a man or woman. That's why I am a feminist.

Right, imma go before I punch my computer screen. Take care :*

Little Old Me, logging off my Little Old World. Xxx


  1. Amazing blog post!<3 http://thelifeofjades.blogspot.co.uk/

  2. Word has been preached. They just haven't grown up yet and haven't learnt what being a feminist is so when they become one and try to be your friend just remind them of what they did all those years ago or however long it takes to grow up. I hope you and fandom stay strong throughout this horribleness and that u don't feel left out or go to harming please dont!!! Love your blog!
